Sunday, February 25, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Double A Hooks

Spring 2007

Date Time opposing team Snack
Sat., Mar. 3 6:00 Red Wings Brent McDonald
Thurs., Mar. 8 5:00 Scappers Brett Moser
Sat., Mar. 10 2:00 Lugnuts Bryce Acosta
Wed., Mar. 14 6:45 Blueclaws Chase Skinner
Sat., Mar. 17 6:00 Storm Daniel Wilson
Thurs., Mar. 22 5:00 Owlz Devin Walgren
Sat., Mar. 24 4:00 Riverdogs Evan Finch
Thurs., Mar. 29 5:00 Red Wings Iasiah Garibay
Sat., Mar. 31 2:00 Scrappers Oran Farkas
Wed., Apr. 18 6:45 Lugnuts Noel Garcia
Sat., Apr. 21 12:00 Blueclaws Joseph Lee
Wed., Apr. 25 6:45 Storm Trenton Fajt
Sat., Apr. 28 2:00 Owlz Andrew Paschall
Wed., May 2 6:45 Riverdogs Brent McDonald
Sat., May 5 12:00 Red Wings Brett Moser
Wed., May 9 6:45 Scappers Bryce Acosta
Sat., May 12 4:00 Lugnuts Chase Skinner
Wed., May 16 6:45 Blueclaws Daniel Wilson
Sat., May 19 6:00 Storm Devin Walgren
Wed., May 23 6:45 Owlz Evan Finch
Sat., May 26 12:00 Riverdogs Iasiah Garibay

Tournament Play begins Tues., May 29

All games will be played at Los Alamos Sports Park Field #2( except May 2, field #1)

Please be at all games 45 min. before game time.

Because of food allergies, please do not bring peanut/ nut products for snack.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Team Practice Schedule

Joseph Lee is doing fine. He took a baseball off the left eye socket during pitching tryouts last Wednesday. He was taken to urgent care and went home with quite a bit of swelling. Mary mentioned that the swelling is almost gone now and they expect his eyesight to get back to normal very soon.

We practice at Murrieta Elementary from 4:00 to 5:30 on Monday's and Wednesday's starting Wednesday, February 14th.

google map to practice